Power of Color: How to Use Color Psychology to Increase Conversion on Your Website

Pauline Volovik
7 min readApr 30, 2024

The human brain processes visual images 60,000 times faster than text. You might ask me, why is this important for brands? Because potential customers, who could become your loyal clients, need only 90 seconds to decide whether to stay on a website. But that’s just the beginning. According to various data, 65–90% of users form impressions about a page or application based on color or combinations of shades.

In this article, I suggest exploring color psychology, its impact on consumers, and strategies for effectively using colors to increase conversion on websites.

Color Psychology in Website Design and Conversion Optimization

Color psychology is based on the influence of various shades from the color palette on the thoughts, emotions, mood, actions, decisions, and even physiological reactions of your target audience. Of course, many aspects depend on age, gender, personal experience, and cultural traditions. But the mental and emotional impact of colors is undeniable.

Using certain colors to influence website visitors is not manipulation but a strategic approach to solving specific business tasks. Harmonious combinations of shades indicate not only beauty and convenience but also affect how people perceive and interact with the resource.

According to TruConversion, 85% of shoppers make purchasing decisions based on color:

Now let’s take a closer look at the meanings of different colors and strategies for using them to increase conversion rates.

Symbolism of Most Popular Colors

There are no universal characteristics of colors, as they have different meanings in different cultures. I suggest familiarizing yourself with the colors that are usually used in website design:

  • red symbolizes passion, energy, a festive mood, and urgency. It is often used for accent elements or action-oriented buttons. It is the color of Ferrari and the entire brand’s corporate products. New cars from the Italian company accelerate on the official website, demonstrating power and quickening the heartbeat of car enthusiasts;
  • blue evokes trust and is associated with professionalism, calmness, and reliability. It is suitable for websites of companies whose activities are related to finance and technology;
  • green embodies nature, peace, health, and safety [including financial]. It is often chosen by eco-friendly brands, pharmaceutical, and medical businesses;
  • yellow represents optimism, warmth, and energy. The color attracts attention, but it should be used carefully in design, as excessive amounts can cause anxiety. It is suitable for calls to action and icons on a dark background;
  • white symbolizes purity, simplicity, and elegance. It is suitable for minimalist designs and stylishly combines with accent colors;
  • black signifies sophistication, luxury, and elegance. Mercedes-Benz and Apple use a combination of black and white on their official websites:

By knowing the meanings of colors, you can choose a color scheme that aligns with your brand’s DNA, desired impact on website visitors, and users of all your platforms. The main goal is to resonate with the target audience, create a sense of trust and reliability. Only then can you attract potential clients, influence the likelihood of a purchase, or encourage registration, subscription, or consultation.

However, even if companies of a certain direction use specific colors [for example, FinTech projects’ websites are predominantly in blue and green shades], it does not mean that you should take these colors for the palette of your resource. You can develop your own original design and choose non-typical colors for your niche. This will help you stand out and differentiate yourself from competitors.

How Color Affects User Engagement and Conversion Optimization

Color psychology is a powerful tool that can be used to:

  • improve interaction with users and attract the attention of the target audience to certain elements;
  • strengthen trust in the brand. This is where blue and green come in, representing reliability and calmness, and mastering the art of gaining trust and reassuring users;
  • create a sense of urgency and encourage clicking on the CTA button. While there are no right or wrong color combinations for branding, websites, and elements, it’s better to choose contrasting shades for CTA buttons. Bright colors always stand out against the background and encourage immediate action. According to GO-Globe, 47% of websites have clear call-to-action buttons on their homepage. Users spend 3 seconds or less looking for them;
  • evoke the desired emotions in the target audience. It’s best to choose emotionally relevant colors. Orange evokes affection and positivity. Red and yellow evoke enthusiasm and a desire to act, while blue and green evoke trust, stability, a sense of security, and also reduce anxiety;
  • make the brand more recognizable. This involves choosing a color or colors that will become part of the brand’s image, emphasize its uniqueness, and help it stand out from competitors. In this case, the work is not limited to just the website. The logo, promotional materials, chosen palette, various graphic elements, packaging — everything should work to form the identity, corporate style, and brand recognition. On IKEA’s homepage, there are all the colors of the rainbow, but the signature yellow and blue pervade the design:

At Starbucks, four color palettes are developed for all seasons. A constant element of each is the signature green shades that have long been associated with the company:

Color on a website is the first impression. You only have one chance to impress a random visitor, so it’s important to carefully choose the colors. By making informed decisions when choosing colors for your website, you can influence customer behavior and achieve your goals.

Color Strategies for Increasing Conversion

To correctly apply color psychology to optimize conversion rates, here are some proven tips:

  • Study your audience. To develop effective marketing and advertising campaigns, it’s worth considering the preferences of your potential customers and the cultural landscape. It’s important to remember that color associations vary, and colors have different meanings. For example, while red symbolizes passion in Europe and North America, in Latin America, it’s considered a color of religion, and in the Middle East, it’s associated with evil and danger. In European countries, white symbolizes purity, while in Asia, it’s the color of death. Taking into account cultural differences will help you choose a palette that resonates with your audience. Therefore, it’s worth collecting data on age, gender, location, interests, favorite colors, and emotional triggers associated with them.
  • Conduct A/B testing to determine the most effective color or combinations. You can test different color options for CTA buttons, color combinations, size and color of headers, and other key elements. The online store RIPT Apparel increased its conversion rate by 6.3% after A/B testing a CTA button of a different color and shape.
  • Use contrast. Important elements with a call to action should stand out against the background to direct attention, attract visitors, and encourage them to take action — click on a button, subscribe, add a product, or complete a purchase. Contrasting combinations also improve readability, facilitate website navigation, and simplify information search. Functionality and ease of use enhance user interaction with your site and increase engagement, leading to higher conversion. For example, Netflix uses a classic high-contrast palette of black and red, directing viewers’ attention to key elements on the page — registration buttons and CTAs:
  • Maintain a balance of colors. Create a visual hierarchy of colors. You can use the “60–30–10” formula, where 60% and 30% are allocated to the main and secondary colors. Only 10% is devoted to the accent shade. Excessive use of colors tires and confuses users, making the site look overloaded. Balance works differently — thanks to easy navigation, attention comfortably shifts from one focal element to another, enhancing interaction and promoting higher conversion.
  • Create a color palette for your brand and maintain it on all platforms. This is done by Facebook, Pinterest, FedEx, and other companies with their websites, mobile apps, and advertising materials. A color palette works well in the long term, as users form associative connections. Additionally, color is one of the reflections of brand identity. For example, Tiffany uses its iconic turquoise shade for jewelry, accessories, and all touchpoints with customers — packaging, logo, advertising campaigns, and the design of the official website:


Color psychology helps influence the emotions and behavior of the target audience, improves user experience, attracts users, and increases conversion. However, the harsh truth is that there are no perfect colors or combinations for business. Something may work for one brand but categorically not suit another. So, experiment, try different options, and search. But even one button can be the starting point for the actions YOU need.

Do you use color psychology on your websites and apps? Share your experiences and experiments in the comments!

