LinkedIn 2024 — Statistics, Trends, and Most Effective Content for Promotion

Pauline Volovik
9 min readMay 16, 2024


If you could fit the entire world into a smartphone, LinkedIn would become a network of contacts. One global list with 200 billion names, all just one click away. What can businesses gain from LinkedIn today by focusing on content? At the very least, they can turn the network into an uninterrupted source of B2B lead generation, attract traffic to target pages, seek partners and employees, and advertise their brand.

The list of benefits provided by this social network could go on indefinitely. In this article, let’s explore the latest trends in promoting posts on LinkedIn. The gathered practices will help create valuable and engaging content to promote products and services among potential audiences in local or new markets, increase sales, generate leads, attract new customers, and encourage them to take targeted actions.

Why Use LinkedIn for Business — Statistics

Choosing the right social platform for promotion is a key question for marketers. When considering a company profile on LinkedIn, it’s impossible to ignore the fact that it is a universal solution for all brands. Your target audience may be on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or TikTok. A business page on LinkedIn for any company is a leap into open space, providing instant access to the international market. For many, the platform still remains a dark horse, although experience and statistics prove that a profile on this network can and should be used for business development, creating connections, finding partners, and exploring new promotional opportunities.

LinkedIn has been operational since 2003. The platform’s mission remains unchanged: “Connect professionals from around the world to make them more productive and successful.” Essentially, it has created an international database of professionals and businesses. According to the latest data, this network has over 1 billion registered users from 200 countries and regions worldwide. LinkedIn is truly a global platform: 298+ million users from the Asia-Pacific region, 278 million from Europe, 244 million from North America, 169 million from Latin America, and more than 65 million from the Middle East and Africa. This is a vast audience of professionals from various industries and with different job functions.

Source: LinkedIn data.

Interestingly, LinkedIn is growing and expanding geographically. In 2017, the number of participants was half as many, totaling only 500 million. The platform is expanding its reach and developing dynamically. The number of LinkedIn users is constantly increasing. Statista notes that in Brazil alone, the number of participants has grown by 25 million since 2019. According to forecasts, growth will continue in the coming years. From 2024 to 2028, approximately 12.1 million users will be added in this country.

Source: Statista.

There are 67 million companies registered on LinkedIn. Here, they seek partners, clients, investors, mentors, employees, or new job opportunities, communicate with professionals from their field worldwide, promote their business, post updates and articles, increase brand awareness, and advertise.

Here are a few more facts about LinkedIn:

Source: Social Media Trends 2024 by HubSpot.

LinkedIn was originally created for professionals, companies, and marketers. Today, it remains one of the leading tools for business contacts, finding partners, exchanging information, and promoting businesses. As you can see, recent statistical data suggests that it is worth actively using the platform in your content marketing strategy.

The growing number of users of different ages, global reach, changes in content types, and its effectiveness in attracting a broader audience on this social network offer businesses tremendous potential for growth.

Content Revolution on LinkedIn — Trends in Creating Engaging Posts

There are several common myths about LinkedIn. Many people think it’s a complicated and incomprehensible platform meant solely for HR departments and hiring IT specialists, and that results can only be achieved with a Premium account. However, the number of registered users and global reach prove otherwise — LinkedIn is a network for business and networking across various industries.

At first, LinkedIn’s functions may seem daunting, but the different options in the profile allow for a detailed description of the company’s activities. Successful promotion and high reach don’t necessarily require paid promotion. According to LinkedIn’s own data, 40% of visitors interact organically with pages.

Moreover, LinkedIn has shown an increase in engagement levels. This rate increased by 44% compared to the previous year and stands at 3.85% in 2024:

Let’s delve into the types of posts on LinkedIn that have recently garnered significant views and comments.


Video content is confidently conquering social networks and remains the most popular type of content on LinkedIn. These posts garner the highest number of shares. The growing popularity of video can be explained by the influx of younger audiences who can’t imagine communicating and scrolling through feeds without this format.

Sephora on their LinkedIn page introduces their plans, employees, and offices around the world, showcasing the fascinating behind-the-scenes of the beauty empire.


Adobe uses video in their feed to showcase the capabilities of their developed solutions, such as #AdobeFirefly:


Posts with Multiple Images

Posts with images receive twice as many comments. Collages of 3–4 pictures in one message expand the reach for company pages, attract attention in the feed, and convey a large amount of information to readers. Such posts, paired with short captions (less than 19 words), show the highest engagement rate on LinkedIn — 3.85%.

Ferrari frequently posts four photos:

Nike is also not limited to one image in their posts. They often include 2 to 5 images in their posts:

Harvard Business Review keeps their posts maximally concise — one image and at most two sentences. Yet, their posts are unmissable in the feed:


Surveys generate quite high reaction rates on LinkedIn. Their advantage is that they appear first under each publication and show up in the feed as long as they are open for voting. This type of content complements other posts well. The recommended text length for a survey is less than 500 characters, and the number of answer options should be three.

HubSpot regularly conducts surveys on various topics:


Infographics were not included in the latest SocialInsider research, but their effectiveness is undeniable. This type of visual content captures the audience’s attention and plays an important role in promoting posts. According to Demandsage data, infographics are read 30 times more often than regular articles, and their use increases the desire to read the entire publication by 80%.

Starbucks alternates different types of content in their feed — videos featuring employees in coffee shops, news from coffee farm visits, photos, information about inclusive spaces, more sustainable materials for disposable cups, links to articles on their website, and infographics in their signature green palette:

By the way, Starbucks’ videos always come with subtitles, and sign language is voiced.

HubSpot uses bright colors for their infographics:

What, When, and How to Post on LinkedIn

The main rule in any social network is, if you want to promote your profile or company page, make posts REGULARLY. According to LinkedIn data, pages that post weekly see double the engagement rate. The number of followers also increases by 5.6 times.

It’s interesting to see the growing frequency of posts on LinkedIn recently. In 2024, companies are averaging 18 posts per month. There are no strict recommendations regarding the number of posts, as it depends on the content strategy and goals [company promotion, finding partners, employees, or a new job, advertising products or services].

Consider the timing of your posts. Start with the data provided by Hopper below, but optimal posting times can only be determined through active page management. Be sure to consider your audience’s time zone, test, analyze, and you will determine the best times for engaging with your posts [comments, likes, shares].

Source: Hopper statistics.

The optimal number of characters in a post is about 900–1200 characters. However, the value of information for the reader always outweighs such metrics as size.

Summary of best tactics for LinkedIn promotion:

  • Regular Posting: Unique, interesting, and relevant messages.
  • Diverse Content: Short posts, photos, videos, collages, surveys, and articles.
  • Engagement with the Audience: Responding to comments and questions, newsletters, introduction posts, expressing gratitude for activity, and motivating interaction.


LinkedIn is like the Game of Thrones professionals, where three rules are allowed for “hunting” potential clients — expertise, activity, and content diversity. Experimenting with different post formats turns your page into an effective business promotion tool. Be open and sincere (yes, this applies to business pages too!), follow best practices for LinkedIn promotion, and you will attract an audience to your page!

P.S. What content works best on your LinkedIn page? I’d love to hear about your experience. Share your audience engagement techniques in the comments!

